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OpenMathBooks is a collection of free math books ranging from elementary level to precalculus level. The collection includes the following books


English versions

Norwegian versions




Bøkene med sans serif skrifttype

Arabic versions



Please make contact if you want to contribute to this project. Contributions especially sought out for are

The complete file structure is available on GitHub (press the button View on GitHub on the top of this page)

License and usage

The books are licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. This means you are free to download and edit the files for non-profit purposes. The only software required for editing the books is LaTex and a TeX-editor.

When you have made your own edition of a book, please do not change the main title, but change the subtitle in a fitting way. Example: If a school named Plato’s Acadamy makes an edit to ‘First Principle of Math’ for it’s own purposes, they should swap out the subtitle Sindre Sogge Heggen’s edition with Plato’s Acadamy’s edition.

Also, the school should inform OpenMathBooks that a new edition has been made.


The books can easily be adaptet for printing. Choose your preferred printing company, and the project leader of OpenMathBooks will assist you for free in getting your copies.


Please join the OpenMathBooks discord channel to enter discussions and/or provide feedback about the books.